Sunday, August 15, 2010

Custom order week

This is the material I used for the wrist purse
My friend called me to place an order for her co-worker. She specifically wanted 3 pink, purple and lime green wrist purses for her daughter and her friends. Hmmmm.....Not too common color scheme. But I was up for the challenge. So off I went to shop the isles of the local thrift store. Day 1 equaled lots of looking but not finding what I needed. The next day I set out for another store on the other side of town but my google map directions were not very helpful. End result; I didn't find the store. I ended up finding material in each of the colors and sewing them together to make one piece of fabric. The end product was cute and fitting for a 13 year old girl. Unfortunately, I forgot to get a picture of the finished purse because I was so excited to get the order to the customer.

My friend delivered the wrist purses for me. She told me that her co-worker LOVED the purses.  Yay.

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